聲 明

感謝大家對DAEWOO-SG-2717C-無煙電烤爐支持,由於本公司發現該無煙電烤爐在非正常使用及保護裝置失靈時,有可能導致電烤爐過熱。為了不斷提升質量及保障各顧客之利益 , 現誠邀受影響的無煙電烤爐顧客, 參與是次質量改良運動。是次運動主要針對SG-2717C型號 。在2021年6月 – 9月期間 , 凡購買DAEWOO-SG-2717C-無煙電烤爐 (藍色) , 我們願意向受影響客人為該產品進行更換。若有顧客有疑問,請致電給我們 3568 7885 (星期一至五,10am-6pm ) 查詢以作跟進。

Thank you very much for your continuous support to our Daewoo SG-2717C Smokeless electric grill.

Abnormal use of smokeless electric grill can lead to circuit protective conductor failure. It may cause the electric grill overheat. To enhance the quality of your smokeless electric grill and guarantee the benefit of our customers, we have pleasure to inform you that there is a quality enhancement program announced by recently. It is related to the model of SG-2717C for the purchase from June – Sep, 2021. Uniware Digital Limited will notify customers concerned by post for commencing relevant recall improvement works at Service Centre free of charge.

Please click here for the affected smokeless electric grill.

Being a responsible manufacturer, Uniware Digital Limited is always doing the best to ensure total satisfaction of customers. We trust you will understand this quality program is carried out for the sake of the safety of your smokeless electric grill as well as your barbecue enjoyment. Should you have any enquiry, please kindly call our hotline at 3793 4069




